CV – English


Assist.Prof.Dr. Hüseyin Bilal MACİT

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Bucak ZTYO, Burdur, TR
+90 (248) 213 87 54


18 Mart University, Computer Engineering, 2004 Bsc
Süleyman Demirel University, Computer Engineering, 2012 MSc
Süleyman Demirel University, Computer Engineering, 2019 PhD
Native Languange: Turkish
Foreign Language: English Yökdil 85,00YDS 81,25


Macit, H.B. (2024). The Effect of Resolution and Watermark Strength on Multi-level DWT Image Watermarking, Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (12)2, 1178-1191, DOI:10.29130/dubited.1246175 RefereedTR Dizin

Macit, H.B. (2023). Müfredat ve Sektör Açısından Devlet Üniversitelerimizdeki Bilişim Sistemleri ve Teknolojileri Bölümünün İncelenmesi, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Dergisi, (7)2, 231-244, DOI:10.31200/makuubd.1291649 InternationalRefereed

Macit, H.B. (2023). Yerel İnternet Haberciliğinde Tık Tuzağı: Batı Akdeniz Bölgesi Örneği, Yeni Medya, (14)Bahar, 251-265, DOI: 10.55609/yenimedya.1263887 RefereedTR Dizin

Macit, H.B., Koyun, A. (2023). An Active Image Forgery Detection Approach Based on Edge Detection, Computers, Materials & Continua, (75)1, 1603-1619, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.036216 InternationalRefereedSCI-Expanded

Macit, H.B. (2022). A Crypto-Stegano Hybrid Application on Spatial Domain, Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, (5)2, 154-164, DOI:10.55117/bufbd.1100693 InternationalRefereed

Macit, H.B. (2022). Implementation of a Low-Cost Tamper Detection Method for RGB Images, Batman University Journal of Life Sciences, 12(2), 105-118, DOI:10.55024/buyasambid.1093220. InternationalRefereed

Macit, H.B., Koyun, A. (2020). A New Imperceptible Steganography Method For Grayscale Images, Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 8(2), 357-365, DOI:10.21923/jesd.537183. RefereedTR Dizin

Güngör, O., Macit, H.B. (2020). Investigation of the Relationship between Vibration, Cutting Forces and Tool Wear During the Processing of Inconel 718 Super Alloy under Coolant Pressure Jet-Assisted Turning with Variance Analysis, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, (11)1, 46-52. DOI:10.29048/makufebed.599737 InternationalRefereed

Macit, G., Macit, H.B. (2019) Cyberloafing: A Research on Employees of Directorate of National Property, Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(6), 299-306, DOI:10.18506/anemon.506586. RefereedTR Dizin

Koyun, A., Macit, H.B. (2019). A Multi Block Entropy Based Blind Watermarking Method Using Region Detection Approach for Authentication of Medical Images, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, (14)4, 573–582. InternationalRefereedSCI-Expanded

Macit, H.B., Koyun, A., Yüksel, M.E. (2019). Embedding Data Crypted With Extended Shifting Polybius Square Supporting Turkish Character Set, BEU Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 234-242, DOI:10.17798/bitlisfen.455126 RefereedTR Dizin

Macit, H.B., Macit, G., Güngör, O. (2018). A Research On Social Media Addiction and Dopamine Driven Feedback, MAKÜ İİBFD, (5)3, 882-897, DOI: 10.30798/makuiibf.435845 InternationalRefereedESCI

Güngör, O., Macit, H.B., Çakır, A. (2018). Algorithm Developed for Preventing Time Loss Calculating RMS of Vibration Signals, MAKÜ FBED, (9)Supplementary Issue 1, 248-252, DOI:10.29048/makufebed.430883 InternationalRefereed

Koyun, A., Macit, H.B. (2018). Generating A Stego-Audio Data Using LSB Technique And Robustness Test, Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 6(1), 87-92, DOI:10.21923/jesd.319330 RefereedTR Dizin

Koyun, A., Macit, H.B. (2012). Aritmetik Algoritmalar Kullanılarak Farklı Donanım Platformlarında Benchmark Testi Uygulaması, SDU Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, (16)3, 260-263 InternationalRefereed


Macit, H.B., Koyun, A. (2023). Sayısal Filigran, Güncel Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Çalışmaları, 39-67, Akademisyen Kitabevi, ISBN:978-625-399-378-8 ScientificChapterInternational

Kaya, Ş., Macit, H.B. (2023). Classification of Lung Cancer with Deep Learning Methods Using Histopathology Images, Engineering Sciences and Technologies Researches, 163-171, Livre de Lyon, ISBN:978-2-38236-599-1 ScientificChapterInternational

Macit, H.B. (2022). Developing a Device That Tracks the Instant Side Effects of Face Mask Use in Daily Life, Eğitim ve Bilim Araştırmaları 2022, Çizgi Kitabevi, ISBN: 978-605-196-941-1, 1-9 ScientificChapterInternational

Macit, H.B. (2022). A Simple Approach to Digital ID Card Image Security, Eğitim ve Bilim Araştırmaları 2022, Çizgi Kitabevi, ISBN: 978-605-196-941-1, 1-9 ScientificChapterInternational

Macit, H.B., Güngör, O. (2019). Tamper Detection and Self-Recovery on Grayscale Images, Bilim ve Teknolojide Yeni Bakışlar, Çizgi Kitabevi, ISBN: 978-605-196-396-9, 1-9 ScientificChapterInternational

Macit, H.B., Macit, G. (2018). Affects of Social Media Addiction: A Survey, Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Çalışmaları 2018, Çizgi Kitabevi, ISBN: 978-605-196-229-0 ScientificChapterInternational


Dereli İ., Macit, H.B. (2024). A Brief Review of Digital Gaming Habits and Addiction, International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies-VIII, Dubai Full TextInternational

Baş, B., Macit, H.B. (2023). A Brief Review on Instagram Advertising, 8th Asia Pacific International Modern Sciences Congress, Delhi, India Full textInternational

Macit, H.B. (2023). Hamming Coding to Improve the Integrity of Text-to-Image Steganography, 7'th International Innovative Studies&Contemporary Scientific Research Congress, Tokyo Full textInternational

Macit, H.B. (2023). An Improved Block Based Hybrid Edge Detection Method to Support Text Recognition on Noisy Images, VII.International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research, Frankfurt Full textInternational

Macit, H.B. (2019). Gauss Filtering for Determining Region of Interest on Medical Images, International Congress Of Science Culture And Education, Alanya Full textInternational

Macit, H.B., Koyun, A. (2019). Tamper Detection and Recovery on RGB Images, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering, 972-981, Manavgat, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36178-5_86 Full textInternational

Macit, H.B., Koyun, A. (2019). A Review on Watermarking Techniques for Multimedia Security, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering, 406-417, Manavgat, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-36178-5_30 Full textInternational

Macit, H.B., Koyun, A., Güngör, O. (2018). A Review and Comparison of Steganography Techniques, 4’th International Academic Research Congress, 37-44, Alanya Full textInternational

Güngör, O., Macit, H.B. (2018). Kesici Takımlarda Basınç ile Titreşim Arasındaki İlişkinin Varyans Analizi ile (SPSS Programı Kullanılarak) Yorumlanması, 4’th International Academic Research Congress, Alanya AbstactInternational

Macit, H.B., Koyun, A. (2017). A Study Over Audio Steganography and Stego-Attacks, 4’th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, Antalya, AbstractInternational


Skolyoz Rehabilitasyonu İçin Beden Egzersizi Önerisinde Yapay Zekâ Kullanımı, MAKÜ-BAP, 0988-YL-24, (2023) MAKÜBAP

Mobil Cihaz Görüntüleri İçin Entropi Tabanlı Kırılgan Damgalama Metodu Geliştirilmesi, SDÜ-BAP, 4382-D1-15, (2015) SDÜBAPCompleted

Benchmarking Algoritmaları ve Benchmark Uygulaması Geliştirme, SDÜ-BAP, 2916-YL-11, (2011) SDÜBAPCompleted

Administrative Duties

Head of department, Information Systems and Technologies, MAKÜ ZTYO 202020212022202320242025
Vice director, MAKÜ ZTYO 2023
Vice director, MAKÜ Tefenni MYO 2018


Doctorate Degree
Cryptology 2022/2023
Master’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree
3D Modelling 2024/2025
Application Development with Matlab 2022/20232023/20242024/2025
Basic Electronics 2020/20212021/20222022/20232024/2025
Basic Information Technologies I 2017/2018
Career Planning 2023/2024
Computer Networks 2021/2022
Cryptology 2022/2023
Data Structures and Algorithms 2020/20212021/20222022/20232023/2024
Data Structures and Algorithms I 2024/2025
Data Structures and Algorithms II 2024/2025
Digital Content Design 2020/20212021/2022 2024/2025
Digital Electronics 2021/20222022/20232023/2024
Digital Image Analysis 2023/2024
Fundamentals of Programming I 2021/2022
Information Technologies 2020/20212021/20222024/2025
Graduatıon Project – Hardware 2023/20242024/2025
Internet of Things 2021/20222022/20232023/2024
Introduction to Computer Networks 2019/20202020/20212021/20222022/2023 2024/2025
Introduction to Programming 2020/20212023/2024
Robotic Coding 2021/2022
Seminar 2024/2025
Vocational Education in Business 2023/2024
Vocational Foreign Language I (English) 2020/20212021/2022
Associate’s Degree
Basic Information Technologies I 2018/2019
Basic Information Technologies II 2019/2020
Computer Hardware 2017/2018
Computer Peripherals 2018/2019
Data Mining 2017/20182018/20192019/20202020/2021
Foreign Language II (English) 2019/2020
Internet Programming I 2018/20192019/20202020/2021
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2018/20192019/20202020/2021
Mathematics 2017/20182018/20192019/2020
Network Basics 2016/20172017/20182018/20192019/2020
Professionel Foreign Language I (English) 2017/20182018/20192019/20202020/2021
Programming Basics 2017/20182018/20192019/2020
Search Engine Optimization 2016/2017
Visual Programming I 2019/2020
Vocational Mathematics 2017/20182018/20192019/2020